Team Eq 🤝Social Media Conference Cymru.
Here, our MD, Helen Wild sums up our main takeaways:
🤫 The growth of private social is one of our biggest challenges — Matt Navarra gave us loads of helpful pointers, such as the importance of optimising content so that it carries through to personal spaces like DMs.
🤳 Work with UGC creators — it’s not all about influencers with huge followings. TikTok’s Beth Thomas explained why #UGC creators are playing an important role in successful short-form video content.
😴 Avoiding ad blindness — we loved Elan Iâl Jones’ three (four?! 😉) tips on overcoming getting lost in the noise. A successful ad needs to be Attention-grabbing, Accessible and Authoritative while not forgetting the ‘Afterwards’ by making sure the offer on the website matches what sold the click in the first place.
📣 Share the wealth — Owen Williams reminded us of the importance of a killer distribution strategy in the art of going viral. If your content is performing well – encourage partners, stakeholders etc. to get in on the action, too.
🐲 Use a tipyn bach more #Cymraeg — Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government's Laura Truelove shared her practical tips for managing bilingual socials. Using incidental Welsh is a grêt way to further expose and help grow our iaith.
👯👯 From the ‘Wal Goch’ to the ‘Gold Gang’ — the theme of authenticity and community building came through strongly on the day. While Rob Dowling spoke about Football Association of Wales' grassroots-led approach to unite a nation around Wales in the World Cup; Isabella Williams showed us why Au Vodka’s Gold Gang have been instrumental to the brand’s rapid growth.
🧡 The importance of being human — 🦊 Richard Cook spoke about Monzo Bank's recipe for success, which is built on humour, reacting to customers by using the good (and the bad) to shape content, and its iconic tone of voice guide.
🔥 The Gen-Z meme — the Urdd Gobaith Cymru's Mared Jones shared her tips for creating the new generation of meme and introduced the term ‘forced meme’ into our vocabularies.
📖 Your story never stops — said Jack T, who reminded us of the importance of resharing content at times where it may have greater relevance.
👌 Inspiring case studies — Lleucu Lynch shared S4C's approach to identifying linear content that’s likely to drive high reach and engagement, while Nicole Machado spoke about how purpose-driven content doesn’t need a huge budget to build engaged communities.